VA Siatista-Ieropigi-Kristalopigi

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  7. VA Siatista-Ieropigi-Kristalopigi

The vertical axis Siatista–Ieropigi–Krystallopigi (VA-45.0) is part of the Trans-European Transport Network. It links Pogradec – Cafasan – Durres in the south of Albania and it is part of Pan-European Corridor VIII.

The axis has a total length of approximately 72 km.  It is being constructed as a dual carriageway with two traffic lanes and a hard shoulder per direction.  In total, eight (8) I/Cs (entrance/exit) are constructed, as well as important structures, approximately 3.4 km long (opened in a single carriageway).

The largest section of the axis, 51 km long, has already been opened to traffic.  The construction contract for the remaining section has been concluded on 10.02.2012.  This section comprises the construction of a side and a vertical road network including restorations and links to the local road network.


The total cost of the axis (desing, expropriations, construction etc) amounts approximately to 380 M€ out of which 60% is community funding.

VA Siatista-Ieropigi-Kristalopigi
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